About Aletha Solter
Aletha Solter is a Swiss/American developmental psychologist, author of six books, and founder of the Aware Parenting Institute. She studied with Dr. Jean Piaget in Switzerland, where she earned a Master's degree in human biology. She holds a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of California. Aletha is recognized internationally as an expert on attachment, trauma, and nonpunitive discipline. Her books have been translated into many languages, and she has given talks and led workshops for parents and professionals in 18 countries. She lives in California and is the mother of two grown children. The English titles of her books are: The Aware Baby, Cooperative and Connected, Tears and Tantrums, Raising Drug-Free Kids, Attachment Play, and Healing Your Traumatized Child. For more information about her work, please visit the Aware Parenting Institute website: www.awareparenting.com.
Here’s the link to Aletha's workshop page: http://www.awareparenting.com/workshop.htm.
Understanding tears and tantrums
Vaikų ašaros ir pykčio priepuoliai
Parents often feel confused, helpless, impatient, or angry when their children cry or rage. They wonder if they should comfort, ignore, distract, punish, or give in to their child’s demands. This presentation explores the reasons for crying and tantrums, with specific emphasis on the sources of stress in children’s lives and the importance of crying as a stress-release mechanism. Participants will gain confidence as they learn supportive ways to respond to children’s strong emotions. This presentation is for parents as well as professionals. The information applies to children from one to eight years of age. It includes time for questions, and there is no break. Date and time: 2024 october 18 th, friday, 19.00 - 21.00 (Lithuania time) / 9 AM to 11 AM (California time). Participation fee: 45 eur. Number of participants limited to 24, so registration is necessary through this email: [email protected]. Note about participation: Participants will receive PDF handouts before the presentation. All participants must have a video connection and agree to have their cameras turned on, so their faces are visible. The presentation will not be recorded. |
Tėvai neretai jaučiasi sutrikę, bejėgiai, nekantrūs ar pikti, kuomet jų atžalos verkia ar taškosi pykčiu. Jie nežino ar turėtų raminti, ignoruoti, pasitraukti, nubausti, ar patenkitni vaiko poreikius. Šis seminaras tyrinėja kokios yra verkimo ir pykčio priepuolių priežastys, itin pabrėžiant streso šaltinius vaiko gyvenime. Bei tai, koks svarbus yra verkimo, kaip streso išleidimo, atsikratymo, mechanizmas. Dalyviai išmoks kokiais būdais gali palaikyti savo vaikus, reaguodami į stiprias jų emocijas. Pristatymas skirtas tiek tėvams, tiek specialistams. Informacija tinkama vaikams nuo vienerių iki aštuonerių metų amžiaus. Bus laiko klausimams, pertraukėlė nenumatoma. Data ir laikas: 2024 metų spalio 18 diena, penktadienis, nuo 19.00 - 21.00 (Lietuvos laiku). Dalyvavimo kaina: 45 eur. Dalyvių skaičius ribotas (ne daugiau 24), bus išduodami pažymėjimai. Registracija būtina šiuo el paštu: [email protected]. Pastaba dalyviams: Dalyviai prie šeminarą gaus PDF failus su skaidrėmis. Visi dalyviai turės įsijungti kameras, kad būtų galima matyti veidus. Seminaras nebus įrašinėjamas. |
Understanding behavior problems
Vaikų elgesio problemos